First conditional - exercises

1. Wstaw odpowiednią formę czasownika.


1.If you...............(clean) the window, I .............(hung) the curtain.
2.Unless she..............(be)ill, we ...........(go) to the swimming pool.
3.They...............(not/let you in) if you ............(come) late.
4.Providing he.............(propose)you, what...............(you/do)?
5..............(tell) him to phone me if you........(see)him.
6.The doctor...........(not/help) you if you .............(not/tell) the truth.
7.If my best friend...........(betray)me, I............(never/speak) to her again.
8.Probably they .............(have) more time for me if they..........(change) jobs.
9.I..............(give) you the money unless you............(mention) them about that accident.
10.As soon as Kate..........(pass) the exam, we.........(go) abroad.



2. Wybierz poprawną odpowiedz.


1. If I $10, will you give it back?

a. lend                b. will lend                  c. lends


2. Unless she.........., what will we do?

a.  doesn't confess                b.   confesses            c. confess


3. He ........late for the train if he doesn't hurry.

a. isn't            b. is           c. will be


4. If you ............, I will make you a coffee.

a. will sit down           b. don't sit down      c. sit down


5. If he ........the race we will celebrate all night long.

a. win                 b. wins                  c. will win


6. Julia will not be proud of us unless we........ it well.

a. do       b. don't                             c. don't do


7. Providing they........ that house, the tenants will be able to stay.

a. buy                  b. can buy                     c. buys


8. The cat will be hungry unless you....... it some food.

a. will give          b. will not give         c. give


9. The chair will collapse if you

a.  will not fix        b. don't fix                              c. won't fix


10. If everybody........... $10 they will have enough.

a. give                  b. gives                    c. will give


First conditional - Pierwszy tryb warunkowy