Past continuous - exercises

1. Wstaw właściwą formę czasownika.


  1. My grandma .......................(sit) in the garden all day last Sunday.
  2. The teacher...............(explain) the task for some  minutes.
  3. .....................( boys/swim) in the sea?
  4. We................(listen/not)to the music, it was very late.
  5. Where ..............(living) ten years ago?
  6. Who..................(stay) in our flat when we were out?
  7. Jack ...............(do) his homework all evening.
  8. As a child I.........(love) sweets.
  9. Is there a chance that he....... (be) home that night?
  10. Members of this club .........(play) cards all night.

2. Wybierz poprawną odpowiedź.


1. Who........................dancing on the table?

a. was dance          b. were dancing       c. was dancing


2. When she ...................her friend.................

     a. was ironing, was sleeping          b. was ironing, were sleeping     c. was iron, was sleep


3. I .............her when she............the street.

     a. was seeing, crossed             b. saw, was crossing                c. was seeing, was crossing


4. ...................Kate and Sue............ in this company?

     a. was, working         b. were, working              c. were workking


5. The dog.........the cat.

                a. was chasing     b. was chassing                 c. was chaseing


6. Your sister..........................her computer because it was broken

   a. was using                     b. wasn't useing                c. was not using


7. Students the exam all week.

  a. was learning                  b.were learning                        c. were learn


8. What..........during last holiday?

  a.were you doing                b. you were doing               c. were you do


9. She...........a nice girl

   a.was being                          b. was                    c. be


10. The doctor................on the patient when I entered.

  a. was operate                     b. was operating                c. was operateing

Past continuous